Knowledge and understanding
A-1 Demonstrates sound knowledge of computing that leads to the practice of critical thinking to solve real-world computing problems.
A-2 Demonstrates broad and solid knowledge of theories related to the discipline of artificial intelligence, with detailed knowledge of basic algorithms of artificial intelligence
Mental skills
B-1 Analyzes complex computing problems to determine substantive solutions using principles or techniques of computing, mathematics, and other related disciplines
B-2 Identifies AI adaptation tools, techniques, practices, and methods that can be used to solve intelligent application problems.
B-3 Evaluates and proposes appropriate solutions to problems in AI-based computing and other related disciplines using the AI lifecycle to meet stakeholder needs
practical skills
C-1 Designs, integrates, develops, and tests a computing-based solution to meet a specific set of computing requirements within the context of the program specialty.
C-2 Applies artificial intelligence theory and software development fundamentals to produce intelligent solutions
C-3 Designs an innovative AI-based model to solve a problem that has a set of business and industrial constraints.
General skills
D-1 Communicates and negotiates effectively with a variety of audiences.
D-2 Works effectively as an individual and as a member or team leader in a multidisciplinary environment.
D-3 Participates in lifelong learning for continued development in academic or professional life.
D-4 Demonstrates professionalism and social and ethical consideration to make informed decisions in computing practice in accordance with ethical and legal principles