Information Technology Program Learning Outcomes

	Information Technology Program Learning Outcomes

ILOs of Knowledge and Understanding

By the end of the programme, the students will be able to:

A1: Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate concepts, theories, mathematical foundations, models and techniques related to information technology.

A2: Identify the desired computing needs of various computer-based systems, components, processes, and human factors, and consider them during selection, integration, and management techniques to meet the organization's objectives.

A3: Demonstrate knowledge of computer networks, communications, information technology, network security, distributed and cloud computing, and various platform operating systems.

A4: Explain IT policies and procedures, project management methods/tools, management and data information systems, network management, and systems integration and engineering.

A5: Describe the principles of programming foundations, data and risk management, web and multimedia applications, system administration tools and techniques, human-computer interaction, and professional communication.

ILOs of Intellectual Skills

By the end of the programme, the students will be able to:

B1. Proposing appropriate IT-based solutions and integrating them effectively into the user and organization’s environment.

B2: Analyze the effects of computing on organizational goals and customer needs, and consider them during the analytical processing, selection, integration, configuration, and management of computer-based systems.

B3: Explore and integrate computing products and services to improve the performance of secure computing-based solutions.

B4: Evaluate functions and issues related to focusing on IT solutions to design and develop IT policies, tools and techniques to achieve managerial policies within the corporate environment.

ILOs of Professional skills and practices

By the end of the programme, the students will be able to:

C1. Effectively employ the concepts and principles of computational approaches, computing and communications systems, and modern technologies in the problem-solving process.

C2. Implementing the required information technology policies and procedures and employing technologies to achieve administrative policies in the company environment

A3. Use IT infrastructure approaches and tools to identify, design, implement, develop and document appropriate solutions.

A4. Manage, monitor, configure and maintain the organization's systems and data security to reduce risk management and deal with them to improve organizational performance.

C5. Work effectively on IT project management, programming skills, implementation or simulation tools, operating systems with different platforms, and different applications including web, mobile and multimedia applications.

ILOs of General and Transferable

D1. Work effectively within a team or individually to achieve a common goal

D2. Engage in lifelong self-learning, time management, leadership and communication effectively with specialists as well as non-specialists to solve the organization's problems.

D3. Writing and presenting technical reports and outputs effectively.

D4. Demonstrate effective IT project management skills, research ability, creative thinking, and interpersonal skills.

D5. Use government and environmental regulations to develop IT policies within the organization based on professional ethics, privacy, security, and accountability

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