For the first time in Yemen, Al-Razi University opens specializations in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and networks<

For the first time in Yemen, Al-Razi University opens specializations in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and networks

#Good_news #for_the_first_time_in_Yemen #Future_Specializations Bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity and Networks. - Bachelor's degree in Artificial Intelligence.

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Al-Razi Second University in Yemen<

Al-Razi Second University in Yemen

Al-Razi University is the second in Yemen and among the top 100 Arab universities according to the Webometrics classification for the year 2020

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Al-Razi University is a member of the United Nations Academic Impact<

Al-Razi University is a member of the United Nations Academic Impact

Al-Razi is a member of the United Nations Academic Impact Program

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22 Oct

Graphics and Multimedia Program Vision

Pioneering graphics and multimedia education in Yemen.

22 Oct

Applying professional apprenticeship at the College of Computer at Al-Razi University

Applying professional apprenticeship at the College of Computer at Al-Razi University

Student portal

The electronic student portal for inquiring about university student data, attendance, absence, exam results, semester work, and tuition fees

Electronic student portal

برامج الدراسات العليا

استعرض 69 من برامج الدراسات العليا.

Academic staff

Dr. Tariq Al-Nahmi

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Prof. Khalil Al-Wajeeh


Dr. Turki Al-Qabbani

Vice President of the University for Academic Affairs

Dr. Abdul Wahab Al-Kahlani

Vice President of the University for Student Affairs

Dr. Mahmoud Al-Nahmi

Assistant to the University President for Quality, Development and Community Service

Dr. Ammar Qaed Al-Dhibani

Secretary General of the University

College academic programs

College academic programs


Faculty members

Faculty members


Studying students

Studying students


Graduate students

Graduate students



Prof. Khalil Al-Wajeeh

Since the university's inception in 2014 AD, Al-Razi University has emerged as one of the most important Yemeni educational institutions, as the university was established based on cumulative experience in higher education. Hence, the university’s ambition to be among the five best national universities is a realistic matter supported by daily practice in improving the educational process, providing quality programs, and paying attention to infrastructure development and excellence in research aspects and community partnership. Thus, the university’s strategy 2019-2023 came as an expression of that and a platform for achieving the university’s vision, mission, and goals. .

Prof. Khalil Al-Wajeeh


Since the university's inception in 2014 AD, Al-Razi University has emerged as one of the most important Yemeni educational institutions, as the university was established based on cumulative experience in higher education. Hence, the university’s ambition to be among the five best national universities is a realistic matter supported by daily practice in improving the educational process, providing quality programs, and paying attention to infrastructure development and excellence in research aspects and community partnership. Thus, the university’s strategy 2019-2023 came as an expression of that and a platform for achieving the university’s vision, mission, and goals. .

منذ تأسيس الجامعة عام 2014م برزت جامعة الرازي كواحدة من أهم المؤسسات التعليمية اليمنية، حيث تأسست الجامعة بناءً على خبرات متراكمة في التعليم العالي. ومن هنا فإن طموح الجامعة لأن تكون ضمن أفضل خمس جامعات وطنية هو أمر واقعي تدعمه الممارسة اليومية في تحسين العملية التعليمية وتقديم برامج عالية الجودة والاهتمام بتطوير البنية التحتية والتميز في الجوانب البحثية والشراكة المجتمعية. ولذلك جاءت استراتيجية الجامعة 2019-2023 تعبيراً عن ذلك ومنبراً لتحقيق رؤية الجامعة ورسالتها وأهدافها. .